This paternity intake form is meant to be completed by parents of children who:

1. have never been married to each other; and

2. who have never been to court with the other parent before.

The following questionnaire is designed to help you more accurately provide information that will help us prepare court pleadings on your behalf. Please complete this form as fully and comprehensively as possible. If exact information is not known, please provide your best estimate. You may be asked at some future date to provide more precise information. Because this information is provided in confidence, we ask that your answers be as truthful, complete and accurate as possible.

Privacy Policy

All information received from a client is strictly confidential and is protected by attorney-client privilege. Wright Family Law Group takes every step possible to protect your privacy. The data submitted via this form is encrypted and secured using industry-standard 256-bit SSL encryption.

Your Social Security Number and other personal information will only be used in the event that you hire the firm to represent you in your legal matter, and then only when necessary in limited use during the course of your case.

Social Security Numbers are most often used to positively identify parties. Most courts require Social Security Numbers of all parties in a case. Some other examples of how this information may be used include:

- initial service

- in court orders

- in required reports or other documents filed with the State

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. We look forward to working with you!

Contact Information: Your Contact Information

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. We look forward to working with you!


Upon submission, a copy of this form will be sent to this email.



Phone Numbers

I agree to terms & conditions provided by the Wrights family law group. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the business.

If our law firm ends up representing you in this matter, will you be the person who pays the legal fees?


About Your Child(ren)

Please provide information about the child(ren) you share with the other parent in this section. Do not include information about other child(ren) that you have from any previous relationships.

Child 1 Name

Child 1 Gender

Child 1 Date of Birth

Place of Child 1's Birth

Child 1 Lives With

Child 1's Birth Certificate

Child 2 Name

Child 2 Gender

Child 2 Date of Birth

Place of Child 2's Birth

Child 2's Lives With

Child 2's Birth Certificate

Child 3 Name

Child 3 Gender

Place of Child 3's Birth

Child 3 Date of Birth

Child 3 Lives With

Child 3's Birth Certificate

Please State How Long The Child(ren) Have Been Living in the Current Custody Situation Described Above and Whether They Have Moved in the Past Two (2) Years

Please State Whether the Child(ren) Have Any Health, Education or Behavioral Concerns and Provide Any Details About Treatment Providers

If any of the Child(ren) are Seeing a Counselor or a Therapist, Please Provide Details

Your Relationship With the Other Parent

Have You Even Been Married to the Other Parent?

Have You Ever Been Married to Anyone at Anytime Since the Conception of the Child(ren)?

Has a Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity Been Signed?

Has There Been any DNA Genetic Marker Testing Performed?

Has There Been any DNA Genetic Marker Testing Performed?

Do You Provide Health Insurance for the Child(ren)

If There Has Been any Involvement With Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF) Please Provide All Relevant Details

If there has been any Restraining Orders or Harassment Prevention Orders Issues in Connection With This Case, Please Provide all Relevant Details Including the Date Issued, Name of the Court and the Docket Number

If There is a History of Family Violence, Substance Abuse or Mental Health Concerns in Connection With Your Case, Please Provide all Relevant Details

Do You Have A Criminal Record?

Does the Other Parent Have a Criminal Record?

Please Set Forth in Detail What You Believe to be the Highest Priority in Your Case, Setting Forth the Details of any Current Arrangements (i.e. support and parenting time) you Have With the Other Parent


Thank you so much for completing this intake questionnaire. The information will be extremely helpful in evaluating your case. We will be in touch with you soon regarding next steps.

Please click the SUBMIT button after you have finished answering all of the questions.